Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Daimond in the Kos

I usually check DailyKos everyday; I prefer anger to anxiety. In any case, I actually found something I somewhat agreed with for the first time ever! King Kos's himself includes a link in a post to the The Preservation Institute. Reading through the site a little bit I see a lot I like. They haven't got all the kinks worked out yet though imho:

[on] Human Nature: Genetic engineering, psyychiatric drugs, and other new technologies threaten to change what it means to be human. We believe these technologies should be banned.

Yikes! I can't help but laugh. That's all they have to say on human nature? What to expect from a movement that has systematically ignored it, if not explicitly undermine it for generations.... Anyhow, I see some Howard Kunstler in these ideas that may be my only nexus of agreement with the left.

Wikipedia info here.

Apparently The Congress for a New Urbanism has a website, but I can't get it to load to see what they have to say. Sounds interesting.

I can't decide if it's ironic or appropriate that the left champion this issue considering the socialist Bauhaus-style worldview that inspired the destruction of urban communities in the first place.


  1. Fantastic find. I find it typical for the left to champion this issue. To me...there are two sides to the left...the forever progressivers (who created the Bauhaus boxes) and then the reactionary anti-everythingers who are now new urbanists.

    The human nature part looks like one of my old english papers. It starts out with a great thesis and then I get bored and end it with "should be banned".

    I actually found a scrut quote on the Kataxis site.

  2. "should be banned" I love it... I used big words that I didn't understand as much as possible, and lots of phrases like "that by which being the reason for"
