Friday, February 6, 2009

Some Vintage Scroot

I'm not sure how I ever missed this from The Scroot...

Money Shots:

"Most religions stifle our metaphysical questions with myths..."

"Happiness depends upon the approval of people who are no longer living"

The lush context of each is worth the exploration. Check em out.

Also, you read the latest Scroot out at CJ yet?


  1. He points to the exact idea, in Christ's own words no less, that all of these bible beaters looking to legislate morality miss.

    "render unto God what is God's, but unto Caesar what is Caesar's"

    I cited this line in an earlier post last year, it still might be my favourite from scrut,

    "In the great years of Western expansion, religion was a civilizing influence for the very reason that it had thrown in its lot with civilization and recognized the secular rule of law as one of its own achievements. This was its strength, and also its weakness. Civilized man had built a house that needed no blazing fire to heat it."

    Fucking Beautiful!

  2. I did catch the CJ article...

    "Terrorists of the modern kind therefore tend to lean on doctrines that remove the humanity from the people they target. Marx’s theories served this purpose well, since they created the idea of the bourgeoisie, the “class enemy,” who had the same function in Bolshevik ideology as the Jews did in the ideology of the Nazis. Mrs. Smith and her children stand behind the target, which is the abstract bourgeois family. It just so happens that, when the bomb hits this target made of fictions, the shrapnel passes easily through it into the real body of Mrs. Smith."

    I just never got it, with Marx, until I read this.
