[Obama is talking]
"...but with the blood, sweat, and tears, of
future generations... like our nation itself, [it has] a capacity to be made more perfect..."
This is beyond "
Living Constitution" stuff, this is Android Constitution (no, I can't do better than that)...
He just stopped his speech to respond, "I love you back," to a fan, er, citizen -- "I love tur-ur-urkey, oh I love you!"
...next breath...
"What's required is a New Declaration of Independence not just in our Nation, but in our own lives, our own hearts, from ideology and small thinking..."
"I'm like, all I hear is clapping..."
The reason he ran for President was that, "Our politics had grown too small for the scale of the challenges we face." i.e. I can be George Bush better than George Bush was George Bush...
...random identity group montage...
I know Chris Mathews had that chill up his leg or whatever, but Obama sounds like he's the one with the chill (or is that just the cold?) when he says he's heading to Washington. Seriously, it's almost like he's tripping and saying, "this is
soo sweet" to his buddies; his voice cracks when he says, "I'll be taking you with me!" It's almost like he's just your "average... person" that is just so amazed he has the opportunity to fill such big shoes... But don't be mistaken! That would make him an unqualified
token. Nah, move along. He went to Harvard, remember?
"In our own lives, let's build a government that's responsible to the people." WTF, does that mean?
He did say at the beginning that our rights come from our maker, not our laws... That was the closest I got to agreeing with him on anything. But do we "cling" to those rights? Agh, who cares... FREE HEALTHCARE DUDE!
BTW, Fox News "respects" and "admires" Obama for trying to "heal the country."