Thursday, January 22, 2009

Puerile Pledges and (to?) Our President

I guess I'm just parsing words...

Pay close attention now!

Is it just a semantic slight of hand? A little linguistic legerdemain? Incontinence? hmmmm.....

A montage of puerile pledges to Change. Or to Obama? He wants us to believe in ourselves, just not too much... Nevermind, he's not the change either, you see; he's just got the vision. But it comes from him... to us: The Word.

I remember hearing the tripe, "be the change you wish to see" a lot lately. Read: "Be the change I see." I must be unfairly parsing words, because it seems to me like some guy is just trying to get people to do what he says...

The caterpillars of totalitarianism are beginning to re-emerge... Pretty!

1 comment:

  1. Of course none of these things were possible under the Bush Adm!

    And I really don't get why, if they are so concerned with co2 emissions, are these types so against nuclear. Oh thats right, they want to have it every which way imaginable...that's a chick move yet even the guys are on board. Feminization of America...I guess George Carlin was right.

    I actually like a politician who will just come out and say something like that...checks and balances...although you lose the beauty of the system a bit when the loyal opposition doesn't oppose, to score political points! I don't think he ever would though, the clip seems misleading.
