Wednesday, October 15, 2008

And If They Hit 'Ignore,' They'd Be Accused Of Racism

From WSJ Best of the Web Today...Again

Thanks to several readers, we think we've figured out how officials in Rensselaer County, N.Y., rendered Barack Obama's last name as "Osama." It's the same thing that tripped up Dan Rather: Microsoft Word. Some versions of this software--including the one we use, Word 2002--do not recognize "Obama" when doing a spell-check, and suggest "Osama" as a correction.
This almost certainly means the person responsible was a Democrat. After all, who else would see "Obama" and reflexively respond by clicking "Change"?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure if there is supposed to be sarcasm in that "tripped up" part about Dan Rather but Word wasn't responsible. Dan was held responsible for being irresponsible. LGF broke the story leading to Dan's demise. Here's the archive of their progression on that story.
