Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Team Sucks

I went to see An American Carol the other night... [please... stop, don't think that about me] I'm not the greatest with words but -it's the worst movie I've ever seen. Utterly unfunny. I read that some theaters were giving people tickets to other shows so the creators would get as much revenue. Jes and I were the only people in the theater. I wish we had been duped into not seeing it, they can have my money, I guess....


  1. *would NOT get as much revenue -obviously

  2. CONSPIRACY!!!!!

    Damn Hollywood!!! How dare they hold down unfunny, revenue-sinking movies!

    You saw that? It was a decent idea, parodying Michael Moore, but didn't all the shit-stained reviews (and the presence of Bill O'Reilly in a setting of a willingly-attended entertainment environment) divert you?

  3. On the flip side, I saw Religulous. It was funny, but picking on the most extreme religious zealots or the most intellectually obtuse people he can find makes easy pickings for Maher. So, in that sense, it's no scion of documentary filmmaking and below his comedic skills, I think. Still funny though.

  4. Bill Maher has comedic skills? I just thought those were defense mechanisms for being a complete fucking douchebag. He used to be funny, until the primaries got going. Same thing that happened to John Stewart. Colbert has been the only one who has been able to stay funny.

    Maybe if the lead character was Frasier Crane it would have been better.

    Frasier and Niles go on a quest to root out the liberal underbelly of America! That would be fun.

  5. Oh, no doubt Maher's a prick. I'll vouch for some sort of skills though. Jon Stewart not funny? Bizarre Gary. Bizarre.

  6. "There was some breaking news out of Dayton, Ohio today, where Republican presidential candidate John McCain introduced the world to his third wife." - Jon Stewart

    Not Funny
