Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Raise your hand if you're tired of baby boomers....

then take that hand down and slap a baby boomer. Selfish pricks.


  1. I call the enviromentalists! And the Math teachers.

  2. And I'll take anyone still fighting all the old battles of the 60s, that in doing so, have irrevocably damaged this country in more ways than I care to count. This will continue as long as crisis-based foreign policy hawks control our government. For good measure and balance, I'll throw in anyone who thinks they made a difference in the 60s and now looks back with nostalgia at "a job well done" while simultaneously bashing the character of today's youth (as they raise their allowance to $300 a week) as they sit by their Hummer in the driveway of their suburban home 70 miles away from where they work, watering the lawn at 23 hours a day. (I admit, I have a problem and inner-anger counseling is probably my best bet.)

  3. God help the tenured math teachers....
